The Convergent Charging Market is Expected to Reach $4.2 billion in 2017, says Infonetics
According to Infonetics Research's Convergent Charging Software and Services report, the convergent charging market is expected to reach $4.2 billion in 2017 with growth coming from an increase in licenses in emerging markets and services spending in developed markets. The report which tracks charging software built to handle multiple dimensions of convergence, says that the LTE network deployments are indirect drivers for convergent charging implementation, though it is not correlated one to one. The report also says that for the next 12–18 months, there will be a greater emphasis on convergent charging solutions that include self-care capabilities, enabling subscribers to change plans, add bolt-ons, and monitor usage, gaining more control over their services and spending.
“Healthy growth in the convergent charging market continues, driven in part by a wave of replacement activity as operators swap out their first-generation charging systems for more scalable and flexible solutions that allow them to get new services and offers to the market quickly and efficiently,” reports Shira Levine, directing analyst for service enablement and subscriber intelligence at Infonetics Research. “We expect LTE rollouts to further accelerate the market over the next few years,” continues Levine. “Operators will want to capitalize on LTE’s bigger ‘pipe’ via new services and pricing models that better tie the bandwidth consumed to the price being charged.” Read More ''Convergent charging market lifting as operators replace first-gen systems and roll out LTE'