Post Archive - 2016
Dec 15
Worldwide High 360 Million North American LTE Connections
Global 4G LTE connections soared 81% year-over-year (YoY) in 3Q 2016, according to data from 5G Americas released last week. North American LTE connections reached 360 million, researchers said. 4G LTE penetration and mobile wireless market share were highest in North America (U.S. and Canada) at 79%. By comparison, penetration of 4G LTE… Read more
Dec 1
Nielsen Studies WiFi Vs. Cellular Usage Patterns
Paying monthly mobile overage charges is becoming increasingly burdensome for consumers as they continue to consume more in the way of mobile video and other forms of data-hungry content. Six point six percent of mobile Android consumers were billed for overage charges in 2Q 2016, Nielsen highlights in a Nov. 22 blog post about WiFi vs. cellular… Read more
Nov 15
Diameter Signaling Grows to Meet User Demands
The tools by which we connect and collaborate are ever evolving, putting significant pressure on the networks available for use. As subscribers, our behaviors continue to evolve, which makes it challenging to meet every demand. Therefore, telecom signaling is changing as well, with diameter signaling experiencing continued growth. According to a… Read more
Nov 1
UK MNOs reject renewed call for national roaming agreement
Mobile network operators (MNOs) in the UK remain opposed to the concept of national roaming agreements despite renewed calls for such a scheme to be implemented, reiterating that they believe it would be unworkable and also rejecting claims that they are set to miss key coverage targets agreed with the government in 2014. This weekend, members of… Read more
Oct 1
Broadband Speed Tiers: Should You Eliminate Them as a Usage Based Billing Strategy?
Broadband carriers spend a lot of effort emphasizing broadband speed tiers with their marketing efforts. There is a never ending speed race, with carriers trying to outdo each other with their broadband speed tiers. Is there a better approach? One that focuses on experience versus speed and bills subscribers based on usage, not speed? This was an… Read more
Sep 30
Report: Global Broadband Subscribers Will Exceed One Billion by 2020
The number of fixed global broadband subscribers continues to grow and will exceed one billion worldwide by year-end 2020, according to new market forecasts from Point Topic, which recently expanded its residential and fixed broadband market coverage to encompass 114 countries. In providing its latest market forecasts of global broadband… Read more
Sep 15
EU court bypasses European Commission on termination rates
A national court can set rates for mobile and fixed termination, according to a ruling by the EU Court of Justice in a case brought by Dutch operators against the national regulator ACM. The court must take account of the recommendations from the European Commission on termination, but can vary from these based on the specific circumstances of the… Read more
Sep 1
Why Operating in Real-Time Matters
The telecommunications market moves rapidly and it seems a day does not go by that you do not see a headline about new mobile plans, new VoIP and OTT apps being launched or a new acronym. It is a daunting task to keep up with all the market changes and even more difficult trying to remain competitive or lead the market. So how should carriers… Read more
Aug 18
IVR Technologies Welcomes R&R Managed Telecom Services to the Talking SIP Ecosystem!
R&R Managed Telecom Services provides turn-key hosted SBC, SS7 ports and LTE solutions for Carriers worldwide. We host the same SBCs that power the networks of AT&T, Verizon and TATA but we specialize in lowering the point of entry so that Carriers of any size can use the most advanced voice switching technologies. R&R has a unique cloud offering… Read more
Aug 16
The Talking SIP Web Service API is a secure, scalable and extensible interface that has been developed around a RESTful (representational state transfer) interface using the lightweight JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) standards-based data-interchange format to allow service providers to seamlessly integrate the Talking SIP platform into any… Read more