Nielsen: Mobile Voice Usage Relatively Stable Even in Face of Messaging App Growth
The number of mobile voice calls made by Americans of all ages and ethnic groups has changed by less than one call per day on average over the past year, according to new market research from Nielsen. That should lay to rest concerns among mobile voice telecom providers that mobile voice usage is declining significantly with Americans, as has been…
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North American operator CAPEX to hit $200B through 2020
Operators across North America will continue to boost capital expenditure through to 2020, despite years of rapid 4G infrastructure rollout, as they now look to “densify” their networks to support strong growth in data traffic, according to a new GSMA report. The report, Mobile Economy – North America 2015, showed total North American capex…
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Phone makers are driving Mobile Operators' new services, and that is certainly the case for VoLTE and WiFi Calling. The increasing number of smartphones featuring VoLTE and WiFi Calling capabilities, according to Strategy Analytics Wireless Operator Strategies service report, has become a major force accelerating the take-up on these services…
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Convergence – What Operators Should Consider
Convergence comes in many forms, and there are several functions that operators need to consider when creating or upgrading their networks. Today’s mobile and VoIP networks consist of disparate systems, most of which do not integrate at the back-end and usually have some elements based on post and/or real-time processing. Consider an MVNO that…
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Wi-Fi Calling, Analytics and Built-in Intelligence Herald Wi-Fi's Best Times Ahead
Today’s commercial stores will attest to one universal fact – a small Wi-Fi symbol at the entrance of their premises does influence the decisions of a whole lot of people. Mobile data users will agree that Wi-Fi has become so indispensable and even if they are on great cellular plans with excellent coverage and quality, they will still tune…
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Service Provider VoIP and IMS Market Soaring
In what should be of significant interest to those in the Telecom Signaling Community, market research firm IHS has released vendor market share, forecasts and preliminary analysis from its 2nd quarter 2015 (2Q15) IHS Infonetics Service Provider VoIP and IMS Equipment and Subscribers report. And, the reason for the interest is that the report says…
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IVR Technologies, Inc. will be attending CTIA Super Mobility 2015 September 9, 10 & 11 in Las Vegas at the Sands Expo. Please contact sales@ivr.com to coordinate meeting times. http://www.ctiasupermobility2015.com/
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Talking SIP Mobility offers a turnkey and feature-rich MVNA, MVNE, MVNO, and M2M convergent billing and value added services solution ideally suited for next-generation communication service providers who wish to offer mobile services with global roaming capability, intelligent CAMEL routing for complete call control and profit maximization and multi-IMSI roaming services tightly coupled with real-time prepaid, postpaid and credit limited voice, data and SMS billing.
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The Role of Software Intelligence in Network Transformation
Increasing price pressures and the insatiable demand for bandwidth sees Communication Service Providers (CSPs) pushing for newer monetization strategies.
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Rise of the Digital Telco and the Push for More Network Outsourcing
What has the Digital Telco got to do with network outsourcing?
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